The Registration Process

1 Order the bike from us like a Riese & Muller HS which comes with a Certificate of conformity. For bikes manufactured this year they need to meet the new regulation - 168/2013/EU as HS do.
2 Order the forms from forms.dft.gov/order-dvla-forms/. You would need a New vehicle import pack - Application to register a new imported vehicle for use in the UK and V55/4 - Application for a license for a new motor vehicle and declaration for registration. This process generally takes five to ten days.
3 The bike arrives
4 Complete the V267 & the V55/4 (information taken from certificate of Conformity.) If you want it done through your own company you will need to include a bank statement and/or utility bill and a copy of a corporation document. If you want to complete it as an individual you'll need to include a bank statement and/or a utility and a copy of your driving licence/Passport
5 Send the completed forms,your ID (as in P4). a cheque for for £55 made payable to DVLA & the original certificate of Conformity to DVLA Swansea SA991BE.
6 Await the return of the V5C (approx 2 Weeks)
7 Check vehicle tax at vehicleenquiry.service.gov.uk/ ( and it's Free!!)
8 order a Number Plate. They require a copy of your Driver's licence & V5C registration document.
9 Purchase insurance. From Cycle Guard or Quoterack. The rough cost for fully comp is between £150 - £200.00